Start Questionnaire below to know your risk

About You

1. Select your age group

2. Do you smoke or have smoked for more than 20 years?

About Your medical disease

3. Do you have COPD, Emphysema or chronic lung disease?

4. Do you have heart disease or Congestive heart failure?

5. Do you have chronic kidney disease, kidney failure or liver failure?

6. Do you have Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, immune deficiency, on Immune suppression medication or transplant organ recipient?

7. Do you have Diabetes & Hypertension?

About Your Corona Virus exposure (Select one best answer)

1. Have you come in contact with any one or anyone suspected to have Corona virus Infection or COVID19 Virus?

2. Did you travel to China or Europe recently or traveled through any major airport hub during transit or cruise ship?

About Your Flu Symptoms (Select one best answer)

Select one of the sentence best describe your flu symptoms

1. Do you have a Fever with a cough?

2. Do you have a fever, cough shortness of breath and/or problem breathing?

3. Do you have a fever, cough, problem breathing, sweating, persisting chest pain or chest tightness?

4. Do you have a fever , cough with any confusion or a fever that keeps you awake?

5. Do you have a fever ,coughing with yellow skin or Jaundice?

6. Have you noticed a fever, cough and decrease in urine output?